5 Best Winter Camping Activities

This winter you are going to want to get outdoors. Trust us when we say it’s time to rethink winter. Sure staying inside with a hot drink is very cozy. So is curling up with a book after a long day snowshoeing, skiing, or ice skating. By the end of this article you will have five new ideas for rethinking your winter weekends.
1. Ice Climbing
Ever driven by some seriously large ice flows? A frozen waterfall? Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes they are hidden. Reaching these special pockets of nature during the winter is a full day experience. Often the waterfall will be the view, other times snow will silently drift down all around you. With some close friends, ice climbing is the spirit of adventure.
Here’s the deal with ice climbing. It can get really expensive upfront. Getting the gear will be the most pricy part of this new hobby. We recommend hiring a guide for a day to try this out. Wear your warmest layers possible. Once you’ve bundled up to the max with some solid waterproof gloves, let the guides do the rest. This way you can try the sport without buying a thing.
2. Cross Country Skiing
Pack a thermos filled with your favorite hot tea or cocoa. Rent a touring set from your local gear store, or borrow a set from a friend. Then check out your local trails on Alltrails. That’s all there is to it. Provided fresh powder litters the ground and you tell someone where you’re going, this is a low risk, relaxing way to be active during the winter. Often Cross Country Skiing requires minimal planning since trails are easy to find near your neighborhood.
3. Snowshoeing
Much like day hiking during the summer, snowshoeing is the sister sport during the winter. You can hike without them but when snow is on the ground you’ll get exhausted. This is why these simple inventions keep you from getting winded while you explore the beautiful forests near your home. Like with skiing, go on Alltrails to find hikes near you. The reviews will tell you whether or not the paths are icy. Tell someone where you’re going, borrow a pair from someone, and go outside.
4. Ice Skating
Ice skating can be exhilarating or relaxing. Sometimes both. During Covid you may not feel comfortable with indoor skating. This is fine. Get online and Google ice skating near me. You may find a local pond that someone runs a zamboni over weekly. These are real gems for a few reasons. For one, you feel more connected with nature than before. Two, a genuine outdoor rink
feels like a novelty from the 50’s. It helps make the experience feel special, creating memories.
5. Building a Fort or Snowman
Have you ever seen a pine tree with its lowest limbs covered in snow? Near the ground, these boughs are drooping perfectly to create a small snow shelter. Pack extra snow on top to insulate yourself from the world.
At your new “home”, make a snowman to mark it. Make a snow angel to watch over it. Winter can be fun.
Remember how it felt to try new things before you were an adult and afraid of looking silly. It felt good. We know it’s hard to get out of the house sometimes, especially when you hate feeling cold. Don’t worry. When you start moving it will feel invigorating. (For more tips on cold camping, visit our article: 5 Reasons to Camp in the Cold).
You might even see the sunset on your drive home from your local adventures. Turn up the radio in your Kuku Camper Van, relax, and look forward to that book waiting at home. Winter doesn’t have to feel so long after all.
Ready to start your adventure?
If you’re not afraid of the snow then get ready and call us to schedule your Kuku Camper! If you have any questions or are ready to get kuku, contact us today or book a van now by clicking here!
*Before traveling, we strongly recommend checking with each state’s recommended guidelines for social distancing and health measures.